Why Carpet At All?

If you think about it, carpets and carpeting in general, are a truly weird invention. We want to create a specific material for the ground under our feet? We find comfort and solace digging our toes into the luxurious textiles that make up your Knox Carpets? We care that much about what the toughest skin […]

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How To Recycle Your Carpet

For us here at Knox Carpets, letting go of carpet is like letting go of a dear friend. We hate it, we abhor it, we loathe it, we never look forward to it. The mood in the office is one of despondency when we need to say goodbye to any of the carpet in our […]

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A Successful Life Cycle for Your Carpet

So you’ve spent the time researching your carpet options. You’ve probably poured over sites and read every Knox Carpets blog post forwards and backwards. You’re a phenom of carpet knowledge and nobody can tell you otherwise. You’ve undergone the install process. You’ve seen the transparent communication, experienced the friendliness and expertise of your Knox Carpets […]

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The Process of Installing Your Carpet

Okay, okay, so technically we shouldn’t be releasing our top-secret tricks of the trade on this one. Or so says everyone else in the industry. But, why? The team here at Knox Carpets prides itself on getting to know our customers. We’re not just talking about your needs, and your property. We’re talking about your likes […]

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The Funn[i]est Carpets Around

Here at Knox Carpets, we pride ourselves on low-priced quality flooring solutions of all shapes and sorts. We take our trade pretty seriously, but we do like to have a bit of fun as a team. When we explore different types of flooring solutions, we do a lot of research. We need to get out […]

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New Home? Perfect Flooring For Each Room

There’s a huge misconception about flooring and we’re going to clear it up right now. One home, one type of flooring? Absolutely not! You should be able to create a completely different experience in every room in your house if you see fit. Carpet in the kitchen and bamboo in the living room? Why not. […]

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Proper Cleaning for Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo flooring was an innovative creation when it first swept the market, and here at Knox Carpets, we took note. We brought in the best quality bamboo flooring around and it began to fly off the shelves. But one thing we pride ourselves on here at Knox Carpets, is that the buck doesn’t stop at […]

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The History of Flooring

When you walk through your home or business these days, you probably don’t think twice about the flooring or carpeting beneath your feet. If anything, the subtle upgrades in materials and installment that Knox is proud to continue to introduce, probably go unnoticed. But if you were to time travel from centuries past, you’d probably […]

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Why Choose Knox?

Carpeting or flooring is the foundation of any home. We know, we know, you’ve heard it before. You know it, we know it, your family should know it by now. So why is it that time and time again we run into customers who have dealt with the worst flooring experiences ever, simply because they’ve […]

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Behind the Scenes at Knox Carpets

As with any line of work, working in the carpet and flooring industry…you pick up some good stories. You learn things you never thought you would and pick up skills that you definitely never thought you would. In fact, we frequently pick up many objects that we never thought we would, but those are stories […]

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